History Of Mahjong Game

Mahjong is a four-player Chinese game that has changed in recent times, to fit a western style tile matching computer games. The original game is played with 136 tiles that are based on Chinese symbols and characters. Each player is given one p.m. tiles in početku.Igrači must draw tiles and discard them in accordance with the bends. Fourteen drawing, players have the form of a pair and four skupine.Grupe called "melds" the couple is called "Head." There are certain rules about how they are drawn cards, the cards are taken from other players in the form of melds, a number plate used, types of winds and dragons tiles merge, what are the different types of melds, and how to deal cards in a row and played. However, these rules vary according to local regions that are played on, depending on the scoring system according to local regulations.

There are interesting myths about the origin of this game. One of them said to Confucius, Chinese philosopher who developed the game around 500 BC The word 'Mahjong' means 'sparrow' in Chinese. There is a strong belief that Confucius was so happy birds, and thus the game called "Mahjong". However, some historians claim that the game actually was developed in the period from the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. Another theory suggests that it is developed by the Chinese army officer during the Taiping rebellion, so that they are dealing with some means of passing time, when they were not on duty. It is also believed that the game was developed by a nobleman who lived in Shanghai between the years 1870 and 1875. There is no clear written record of who created the game and the debate is still ongoing.

Mahjong was one of the principal gambling games in China and other Chinese speaking countries and communities. So, when the communist government came to power in China in 1949, it banned playing the game, stating that the game is affected by corruption among građanima.Igra initially played in China just as the game was not popular in other western countries due to lack of knowledge about game. Only after 1910, few written records about the game spread around the world. When the game was imported to New York in the year 1920, he became a revolutionary turnaround and instant popularity among Americans. Since then, this game has become one of the most played games of ordinary people.

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